Week One Created by: Rob Lahey, Math Teacher, SLVHS The first in a series of online concerts launched this week to help raise awareness and funds for SLV Food for Families. Directed and produced by SLVHS math teacher, Mr. Rob Lahey, the concert features local SLV artists who lend their talents to help raise money for groceries for SLV families. The following is Week One of SLV Rocks for Food: Rob Lahey- "Here is the set of videos I put together for the first week. I/we/us will intro each song, please enjoy and feel the heart for the SLV families that comes through in every song,”
Week Two

Created by: Rob Lahey, Math Teacher, SLVHS “Here is the playlist of artists to honor a great man, who lost his life on March 30, 2020, due to Covid19, Mr. John Roberts. We did not get to say goodbye to John, but his intelligence and gentle soul touched many hearts throughout his life. To all of those who have lost their lives and those who have lost loved ones, we know your loss. For others who have lost jobs and are struggling, we hope to make a difference and help, even in a small way. Thank you to SLV for your generosity.” Rob